Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership is committed to improving outcomes for people and the communities in which they live.

Our vision is that people are supported to lead independent, healthy and active lives and live their lives as independently as possible in their own homes, or in a homely setting with choice and control over the decisions they make about their care and support.

Central to achieving our vision is the involvement of people.  Find out more by reading our Participation and Engagement Strategy to understand our approach to, and plans for, involvement. You can read about our engagement strategy here.


There are lots of different ways to get involved and at different levels. To help us plan and deliver our engagement activities we broadly think of engagement with people and communities at 4 distinct levels.


The providing and sharing of information is a critical two way process. Helping people find out about what is happening in their area if the first step to help people get involved and signpost them to local opportunities to support their health and well being.


Health and Social Care services and their partners need to support and provide appropriate opportunities for residents to think and understand about local issues that affect them. We encourage all stakeholders to share their plans and raise the general level of public awareness about local provision and opportunities.


We need to ensure everyone in a community has the opportunity to contribute to setting local priorities for action and to ensure that their views will be taken into account when making decisions about the development of services or projects affecting their community.


Our aim is to encourage and support more people to take part in the organised life of their community. We also view individual participation as a fundamental step towards the development of community networks.