Introducing your Representatives on the Perth & Kinross Health & Social Care Integration Joint Board.
Their role is to ensure that service users, carers and communities are heard in health & social care changes that are inevitable as more of us are living longer.
If you would like to make contact with the Representatives you can email
If you would like one of the representatives to make contact by phone, please call Fiona Johnstone on 07849 800 326 and she will arrange for someone to call you.

Ian McCartney
Substitute Service User Representative

Susan Auld
Principal Service User Representative

Bernie Campbell
Principal Carer Representative

Maureen Summers
Substitute Carer Representative
Joining The Reference Group
Why not consider being a part of the Reference Group?
There are a number of upcoming meetings scheduled; Friday 25th June; Friday 24th September and; Friday 26th November. These meetings are scheduled to run from 10am until 12noon and will take place as online meetings.
Please contact us for the online meeting link at
The Reference group is a place for individuals to have a say on how services are developed within Perth and Kinross. People can come together and share their lived experience stories, raise issues, concerns or create new ideas for change. Communication with the IJB is delivered through the Public Partners via the Reference group. The Reference group meets virtually prior to the IJB every two months.
The Public Partner roles and the Reference Group are both supported by the Community Engagement Team. If you require any further information, please contact us at